This album consists of 4 pages and contains a total of 36 slots. These slots are designed to house coins issued by Hejaz between 1916 and 1925, with the correct diameters and dates for all known varieties. This period covers coins of the Ottoman Empire that were countermarked الحجاز (al-Hejaz) and used provisionally, as well as the first and second regular issued of coinage issued by the Kingdom of Hejaz, under the rule of Sherif Hussein bin Ali and later King Ali bin Hussein. The last page includes slots for the fantasy issues of Hejaz in their various metal varieties.
Please note that this is an empty album. Coins are not included, and can be purchased separately depending on availability.
يحتوي هذا الألبوم على اربعة صفحات و يتضمن على 36 فتحة. هذه الفتحات مصممة لتستوعب كافة القطع المعدنية التي اصدرتها مملكة الحجاز بين عامي 1916 و1925، بما فيه جميع التواريخ والاختلافات الأخرى.
ملاحظه هامه: يرجى العلم بأن هذا الألبوم فارغ، ولا يحتوي على القطع المعدنية. حيث يمكن شراؤها بشكل منفصل حسب توفرها.